Sponsor events with the Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce!
Each year the Tahlequah Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a variety of events and programs to support not only our members and local businesses but the community at large. These efforts are made possible by the generous businesses and individuals that invest in the Chamber through memberships and sponsorships.
How to become a sponsor:
The first step in becoming a sponsor is becoming a TACC member. Once you are a member the TACC will offer the opportunity to sponsor any of our upcoming events during a "One Ask" period. Instead of different members periodically purchasing sponsorships throughout the year we offer all members a chance to purchase sponsorships all at the same time during the month of June, right before our fiscal year begins in July.
Rank Your Requests:
Our goal is to ensure that each member receives their desired event/program sponsorship and to allow as many members in the area to be represented as possible. Because many of our members send their commitment forms in all at once, please rank your sponsorship requests for us to evaluate. This will allow us to secure as many of your desired sponsorships as possible while working with other businesses to get their requests met as well. We want each sponsorship to hold the best value for you/your business.
Billing for each sponsorship investment will occur on July 1 for the year-long promotions and 60 days prior to each event for event sponsorships. If you need to pay at specific times of the year due to your own fiscal year, let us know and we can work with you. We offer several different levels of sponsorship that can be flexible to your budget, time, and needs.
For more information:
Check out the handy graphics below to get a better understanding of how our sponsorship system works and learn why sponsorship can be beneficial for YOUR business!
Email the chamber at Info@TahlequahChamber.com or our Operations Coordinator, Jaiden Ingram, at jaiden@tahlequahchamber.com for more information.
2024-2025 Fiscal Year Co-Op Timeline
May 13th - May 31st: Resale Period - During this time period, only businesses who have previous sponsorships are able to reclaim their previous sponsorships. If they do not reclaim them at the end of this period, then those sponsorships will be opened again for the public.
June 3: Open Sales Begin- During this period, all available sponsorships are opened and are sold on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
July 12: Sales Close
August 1: All new sponsorships kick in and all updates occur!
2024 TACC Community Cooperative