The Back to School Breakfast is a celebration held for Tahlequah Public School teachers and staff to help kick off the school year! The TACC hosts a breakfast filled with local business vendors, games, and door prizes! Each employee is also given a SWAG bag filled with goodies from across town donated by our community members. But we don’t stop there. Each year, we are expanding our Back to School Breakfast by visiting other area schools in Cherokee County and distributing swag bags and door prizes! This year we will be distributing over 1,000 swag bags to 8 school districts. If you are interested in donating items for these educators or putting together door prizes, we welcome you to join in on the fun! Sponsorships are also available-- get your business recognized while helping our local teachers! If you are interested in helping in any way, please start by reaching out to info@tahlequahchamber.com