Market your business with the Chamber!
One of the benefits of being a member of the chamber is FREE marketing and advertising help. Building your businesses recognition within the community is our top priority. Through our weekly newsletter and active social media presence we provide many pathways to help your business grow.
Social Media - @TahlequahChamber
Follow the TACC on Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin and interact with the pages! The TACC has a combined following of over 6,000 people, tag us in your posts, like and comment, and be a part of the TACC online community.
Chamber Chat - Your weekly newsletter!
The TACC runs a weekly newsletter that has an audience of over 3,000 people. Every Wednesday there is an opportunity for thousands of people to see your advertisements, all for free! How do you get in on this? Here's how:
- Create a new, fresh digital advertisement every week.
- Download it in a PNG or JPG format.
- Email your advertisement to Info@TahlequahChamber.com by 5 p.m. on Friday to be included in the Wednesday newsletter.
Here's a fun graphic to help explain the process further!